Friday, October 30, 2009

19,000 UK credit card details posted on the Net...and accessible on Google Read more:

he credit card details of up to 19,000 British shoppers were published on the internet - where they could be found using a simple search on Google.
The details apparently originated from the website of a criminal gang in the Far East.
The list, obtained by the Mail, includes the names, home addresses and full card details of thousands of Visa, Mastercard and American Express customers.
Google's high-powered search engine inadvertently picked up the list during a 'crawl' of the web - allowing it to be seen and copied.

The credit card details of thousands of Brits could be accessed through search-engine Google
It was still viewable a few days ago, but a spokesman for the banking industry trade body APACS said that many of the cards on the list had already been stopped and others had expired.
However, these users' home addresses - including door numbers and postcodes - were clearly shown, creating the risk of identity theft.
APACS also revealed that banks had merely put a warning flag on the accounts of those customers whose cards were still active, in order to monitor any unusual use.
Disturbingly, however, these customers have not been warned of the security breach.

Details of Visa, Mastercard and American Express customers could be viewed online
Conservative MP Nigel Evans, chairman of the All Party Group on Identity Fraud, said: 'This is hugely worrying. The credit card companies have a duty of care to inform all those involved that they are at risk of identity fraud.'
Any criminals who came across the list could have used them to make purchases worth millions of pounds. Some customers' card details were stolen after making purchases over the internet, while others are known to have been victims of fraud.
It is believed the details were originally on an unsecured server in Vietnam which was linked to a website belonging to the fraudsters. Criminal gangs typically use such websites to trade in stolen card details.
The server was closed down in February by authorities investigating cyber crimes but Google's powerful indexing technology had already located the list and made a copy.
Rik Ferguson, of web security firm Trend Micro, said: 'To find this amount of data on a server which is publicly accessible is a rare event. Organised crime usually protect their ill-gotten gains behind password-protected links on encrypted machines.'
Mr Ferguson also told how he had infiltrated internet forums used by the crooks, where just £250 would buy details of 100 UK cards. Internet banking logins and fake passports were also on sale.
He added: 'The existence of these kinds of carding forums illustrates the booming trade in stolen financial details such as cards and bank accounts.
'Perhaps the greatest surprise to the casual observer will be the relatively low prices for this information. This is driven by the ease of access and the sheer numbers available.'
A spokesman for APACS said: 'The banking industry takes every data breach extremely seriously. We'd like to remind all online businesses of their responsibility to store card details securely.'
The details have now been removed from Google and a spokesman said they could not comment on the specific case.
But he added: 'Search engines such as Google do not have the ability to remove content directly from the internet.'

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